泰州市中瑞机床有限公司是国内专业生产线切割机床、数控电火花机床、数控加中心、数控铣床、数控雕刻机床的企业,具有产品开发设计、生产制造能力。 主要产品有DK77系列数控电火花线切割机床、D71系列电火花成形机、高速电火花小孔加工机、XK系列数控铣床、XH系列数控加工中心、数控雕刻机,同时应客户要求生产各式专机。 高素质的员工队伍.科学的管理,与大中院校科研机构的联合,使我企业生产的各种机床性能稳定、可靠,能满足模具及机械零件的加工制造。 本企业生产的产品通过iS09001 :2000国际质量体系认证,产品销往国内二十多个省市,并出口马来西亚、韩国、越南、泰国、埃及、巴基斯坦、新加坡、乌克兰等国家。产品实行“三包”,终身维修,免费为用户提供技术培训,售后服务及时、周到,在全国各地设有几十家售后服务办事处,在韩国、越南、泰国设 有销售及售后服务办事处。
ZHONGRUI MACHINE TOOL is aprofessional corporation that manufactures CNC electricaldischarge machine, CNCmilling machine and CNC engraving-milling machine tool with thecapability to develop, manufacture and design new products.
The major products include; DK77 CNCwire electrical-discharge machine,D71 CNCDiesinking electro -discharge machine,High speed small hole drlling electro-dischaege machine,CNC milling machine,CNC abrasive wire -cut machine.We also produce special machine accordingcustomer's request.High-qualified stuff.scien-tific management and the unite with researchinstitute of colleges make our every machine tool stable and creible,that can satisfy the processing of every kind of mouldand machinery parts.
Our Enterprises has passed ISO9001:2000 Quality certilflcation,and all products manufactuide by our company are sold to more than 20 provinces and cities in mainland.Our product is also exported to Malaysia. Singapore. Pakistan.India and Egypt etc.We provide you very good after-sales service department in Vietnam,Thailand and Korea